Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Breakthrough in Hillary Investigation

BREAKING: Breakthrough in Hillary Investigation

October 23, 2017

Almost from the moment Barack Obama was inaugurated as 'president' of the United States, Russia pounced trying to form relationships with both the new president and the new secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

Witness testimony and court records released by The Hill on Sunday now reveal that former President Bill Clinton, the husband of the then-new secretary of state, was also targeted by the Russians, as were members of the Clintons’ inner circle. 

Some of the activities Kremlin operatives engaged in were both “covert and illegal,”  The Hill reported.  

While there is no smoking gun proving “pay-for-play,” the timing of the $500,000 speaking fee Bill Clinton received from a Kremlin-linked bank is suspicious. This happened mere weeks after his wife, as secretary of state, greased the skids for American businessmen to assist one of Putin’s commercial endeavors.

The story is as complex as it gets, with multiple layers of intrigue, espionage, and missing information. If there was ever a case for a special prosecutor, this is it.

Clinton targeted as presumptive Obama successor

The Kremlin believed that Clinton would succeed Obama in the White House, and Clinton’s presentation of a “reset button” to Putin — indicating the administration’s desire to reset U.S.-Russian relations — provided the “Open Sesame.”

And apparently, the Russians were confident that Hillary was someone they could buy.


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